Good information: Q1 orders more than before in 2018
With the development of Chinese economic increasing, the sales of band saw are improved in our company.Statistics shows that Q1 orders are more increasing than before Q1 in 2018. The number of sales output in 2017 is 908 thousand meters, up 30% over last year. Sale orders are more increasing than last year. With the promotion of economic situation, we hope the orders of next quarter will more and more than before.
Export countries are increasing from 28 counties to 32 countries, its Include in Korea, Poland, Indian ,Malaysia , Mexico, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Macedonia, Russia, Qatar, Kuwait, Qatar, Kuwait, Norway, Lebanon, Argentina, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, Mongolia, Sweden, Turkmenistan, Philippines, intelligence, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Israel, Sweden, India nix. Asia, Philippines, Dubai and Sultan. With the improvement of product quality, we will expect to cooperate with more countries in the future.
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